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. 2019 Apr 15;2019:7942145. doi: 10.1155/2019/7942145

Table 1.

Patient characteristics, N=218. (Missing values excluded from the denominator).

Characteristics All participants OST Bokgatan OST Hasselgatan OST
Total n 218 47 81 42 48
Age mean 43.9 48.1 44.4 40.6 41.8
(range; S.D.) (23-67; 10.2) (27-67; 10.7) (23-62; 8.8) (25-57; 9.8) (24-63; 10.9)
Age median 43 47 44 38.5 41
Female sex 61 (28%) 12 (26%) 27 (33%) 9 (21%) 13 (27%)
Born in Sweden 165 (76%)2 35 (76%)1 60 (74%) 32 (76%) 38 (81%)1
Unstable housing 43 (20%)4 4 (9%) 16 (20%)2 14 (33%) 9 (20%)2
Main source of income
 Social services 114 (54%) 25 (54%) 38 (48%) 24 (62%) 27 (58%)
 Sick leave 15 (7%) 1 (2%) 5 (6%) 4 (10%) 5 (11%)
 Permanent sick leave 31 (15%) 8 (17%) 13 (16%) 4 (10%) 6 (13%)
 Employment 35 (17%) 6 (13%) 18 (23%) 5 (13%) 6 (13%)
 Retirement 4 (2%) 4 (9%) 0 0 0
 Other 13 (6%) 2 (4%) 6 (8%) 2 (5%) 3 (6%)
 missing 6 1 1 3 1
Daily tobacco smoking 156 (75%)5 35 (78%)2 59 (73%) 30 (77%)3 32 (73%)4

1missing n=1 2missing n=2 3missing n=3 4missing n=4 5missing n=9.