Expression of ROS scavengers and effect of rosiglitazone treatment in preeclamptic placentas and normotensive preterm controls. )A) Western blot analysis of antioxidants in term placentas from preeclamptic (PE; N = 6) or preterm control (PTC; N = 6) labeled with antibodies to CAT and SOD2, showing individual bands and averages after densitometry. (B) Term placental explants from PE/IUGR patients (N = 3) were cultured overnight ex vivo in the absence or presence of 50 μM rosiglitazone. Tissue extracts were analyzed by immunoblotting, as indicated. (C) Representative images of CAT and SOD1 immunohistochemistry in human term placenta after ex vivo culture in absence (N/T) or presence of rosiglitazone (Rosi. 50 μM), showing the localization of antioxidant proteins in term placenta. Negative control using normal IgG is included. Arrows indicate the localization of trophoblast cells. * P < 0.05 vs N/T control, N/T = no-treatment, Rosi. = Rosiglitazone, scale bar = 100 μm, bars present mean ± SEM.