Root development phenotypes of mdn1-1. A, Seedling and RAM phenotypes at the indicated stages grown under normal growth conditions. The images of seedlings were obtained with an optical microscope (scale bars = 1 mm). The images of FM4-64–stained RAM were obtained using a CLSM (scale bars = 20 μm). B, Kinematic analyses of primary root length of wild type and mdn1-1 from 1 to 4 DAG. C, Kinematic comparison of the root meristem cell number between wild type and mdn1-1 from 1 to 4 DAG. B and C, Error bars represent sd (n = 10), and Student’s t test was applied (***P < 0.01). D and E, Ploidy analysis of nuclei isolated from root cells of wild type and mdn1-1, respectively, using flow cytometry. Five independent experiments were performed, and representative results are presented. F, The expression pattern of DR5rev::GFP in root tips of wild type and mdn1-1 at the indicated stages. Scale bars = 20 μm. WT, wild type.