Figure 2. G motif conservation in canonical GTPases and p190RhoGAP.
A) Active small GTPases contain five conserved G motifs termed G1 through G5. Structure-based sequences for the G motifs of H-Ras, p190RhoGAP-A N-terminal GTPase domain (p190A-N) and p190RhoGAP-A pG1 pseudoGTPase domain (p190A-pG1) are shown. Predicted sequences for the G motifs of p190RhoGAP-A pG2 pseudoGTPase (p190A-pG2) domain are also shown. B) Ribbon diagram of H-Ras bound to a nonhydrolyzable GTP analog (PDB ID: 5p21 [54]). G motifs are colored as in part A.