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. 2019 May-Jun;53(3):384–391. doi: 10.4103/ortho.IJOrtho_440_18

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Arthroscopic view of the right shoulder with complete SS and IS tear. (a) Delaminated tear of SS and IS; (b) en masse sutures through the IS; (c) en masse sutures through the SS; (d) completed double row suture bridge repair of delaminated tear. ISs: Superficial delaminated layer of infraspinatus; ISd: Deeper delaminated layer of infraspinatus; SSs: Superficial delaminated layer of supraspinatus; SSd: Deeper delaminated layer of supraspinatus; BT: Biceps tendon; SS: Supraspinatus; IS: Infraspinatus