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. 2019 Apr 28;20:612–619. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.915453

Table 1.

Summary of published reports that present sonographic findings of myeloid sarcoma of the breast.

Case Authors Published year Age, years Sex Laterality Multiplicity Sonographic findings
Reports that provide real sonographic images Vascularity
1 Hiorns et al. [20] 1997 32 F L Single Lobulated mass moderately well-defined, with slightly uneven echogenicity and acoustic shadowing Not assessed
2 Ahrar et al. [21] 1998 15 F R Single Nonhomogeneous mass with spiculated and angular margins Increased
3 Son et al. [22] 1998 42 F B Multiple
  1. Mostly, round or oval homogeneously hypoechoic nodules with irregular or circumscribed margins

  2. Unusually, hypoechoic circumscribed nodules with central high echogenicity and a heterogeneously hypoechoic mass with lobulated margins

Not assessed
4 Fitoz et al. [23] 2002 13 F L Single Large mass with lobulated contours and heterogeneous echotexture Increased
5 Guermaziet al. [24] 2002 41 F L Single Irregular, non-homogeneous hypoechoic mass with ill-defined margin and posterior shadow Not assessed
6 Kinishita et al. [25] 2006 53 F B Multiple Low-echoic masses with irregular margin and posterior shadowing Not assessed
7 Lim et al. [2] 2008 58 F R Single Oval, heterogeneous (mixed iso- and hypo-echogenicity) mass surrounded by a pseudocapsule None
8 Toumeh et al. [13] 2012 47 F B Multiple Multiple masses Not assessed
9 Kim et al. [14] 2013 39 F R Multiple Heterogeneous hypoechoic masses with multifocal cystic portion Increased
10 Kim et al. [14] 2013 48 F B Multiple Heterogeneous hypoechoic masses with echogenic boundary Increased
11 Kim et al. [26] 2013 20 F B Multiple
  1. A diffuse hypoechoic area with indistinct boundary

  2. An indistinct heterogeneously hypoechoic mass

Not assessed
12 Ozsoy et al. [12] 2016 21 F B Multiple Lobulated, hypoechoic solid masses with circumscribed contours (some of them with microlobulated margins) Increased
13 Edison et al. [27] 2017 8 F B Multiple Round/oval, parallel masses with partially indistinct and lobulated margins, heterogeneous echotexture Increased
14 Cheung et al. [15] 2018 46 F B Multiple Ill-defined conglomerated masses of heterogenous hyperechogenicity and hypoechogenicity Increased
15 Zhai et al. [4] 2018 34 F R Multiple
  1. A lobulated hypoechoic mass with an unclear edge

  2. An irregular, homogeneous, hypoechoic mass with a clear edge

16 Current 2019 24 F R Single Partially indistinct, oval, heterogeneous mass with posterior acoustic enhancement Increased
Reports that only provide text-description of sonographic features
17 Khoury et al. [28] 2000 51 F B Multiple Thickened and coarse breast parenchyma bilaterally with distorted echotexture, a small irregular hypoechoic lesion in the left breast Not assessed
18 Ngu et al. [29] 2001 40 F B Multiple Bilateral breast cysts Not assessed
19 Dutta Roy et al. [30] 2004 72 F L Single Ill-defined, non-homogeneous, irregular mass with areas of increases echogenicity Not assessed
20 Shea et al. [31] 2004 55 F B Multiple Solid Not assessed
21 Thachil et al. [32] 2007 26 F R Single Hypoechoic area representing an area of fibrocystic change Not assessed
22 Delporte et al. [33] 2010 65 F R Single Irregular hypoechogenic mass Increased
23 Fu et al. [34] 2014 59 F L Single Solid hypoechoic mass with a clear boundary Increased
24 Fu et al. [34] 2014 37 F L Single Solid hypoechoic mass Not assessed
25 Goncalves et al. [35] 2014 35 F L Single Solid heterogeneous nodule Not assessed
26 Gunduz et al. [36] 2014 33 F R Single Irregular mass with heterogeneous internal echo Not assessed
27 Stewart et al. [3] 2015 46 F R Single Indistinct, hypoechoic mass with posterior acoustic shadowing Increased
28 Gomaa et al. [16] 2018 29 F L Single Well-defined mass which has a consistency of parenchymal ducts and fat Not assessed