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. 2019 May 1;9(4):e026443. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026443

Table 1.

The distribution of inappropriate admission characteristics of patients according to medical records

Variable Elderly Non-elderly
N (column %) Appropriate Inappropriate P values N (column %) Appropriate Inappropriate P values
N (line %) N (line %) N (line %) N (line %)
All 230 161 (70.0) 69 (30.0) 422 250 (59.2) 172 (40.8)
 Yilong 62 (27.0) 53 (85.5) 9 (14.5) <0.001 95 (22.5) 64 (67.4) 31 (32.6) <0.001
 Huining 61 (26.5) 48 (78.7) 13 (21.3) 92 (21.8) 65 (70.7) 27 (29.3)
 Dingyuan 56 (24.3) 27 (48.2) 29 (51.8) 120 (28.4) 47 (39.2) 73 (60.8)
 Weiyuan 51 (22.2) 33 (64.7) 18 (35.3) 115 (27.3) 74 (64.3) 41 (35.7)
 Male 109 (47.4) 71 (65.1) 38 (34.9) 0.127 214 (50.7) 133 (62.1) 81 (37.9) 0.218
 Female 121 (52.6) 90 (74.4) 31 (25.6) 208 (49.3) 117 (56.3) 91 (43.8)
Age, mean±SD 70.73±7.841 70.9±7.566 70.20±7.305 0.485 28.33±21.34 33.47±19.332 24.33±22.600 <0.001
 Internal medicine 182 (79.1) 125 (68.7) 57 (31.3) 0.155 149 (35.3) 97 (65.1) 52 (34.9) <0.001
 Surgery 34 (14.8) 28 (82.4) 6 (17.6) 70 (16.6) 62 (88.6) 8 (11.4)
 PaediatricPaediatric 0 (0.0) 0 0 154 (36.5) 59 (38.3) 95 (61.7)
 Others 14 (6.1) 8 (57.1) 6 (42.9) 49 (11.6) 32 (65.3) 17 (34.7)
Disease category
 Circulatory disease 101 (43.9) 70 (39.3) 32 (30.7) 0.271 88 (20.9) 54 (61.4) 34 (38.6) 0.084
 Respiratory disease 18 (7.8) 15 (83.3) 3 (16.7) 77 (18.2) 47 (61.0) 30 (39.0)
 Digestive disease 23 (10.0) 14 (60.9) 9 (39.1) 60 (14.2) 33 (55.0) 27 (45.0)
 Urinary disease 5 (2.2) 4 (80.0) 1 (20.0) 20 (4.7) 15 (75.0) 5 (25.0)
 Endocrinology diseases 16 (7.0) 9 (56.3) 7 (43.8) 18 (4.3) 12 (66.7) 6 (33.3)
 Bones and muscles 6 (2.6) 3 (50.0) 3 (50.0) 17 (4.0) 8 (47.1) 9 (52.9)
 Injury and poisoning 10 (4.3) 10 (100.0) 0 (0.0) 22 (5.2) 19 (86.4) 3 (13.6)
 Symptoms and signs 38 (16.5) 26 (68.4) 12 (31.6) 62 (14.7) 33 (53.2) 29 (46.8)
 Others 13 (5.7) 10 (76.9) 15 (23.1) 58 (13.7) 29 (50.0) 29 (50.0)
Health status
 Good 101 (43.9) 71 (70.3) 30 (29.7) 0.98 324 (76.8) 183 (56.5) 141 (43.5) 0.101
 General 108 (47.0) 75 (69.4) 33 (30.6) 83 (19.7) 56 (67.5) 27 (32.5)
 Poor 21 (9.1) 15 (71.4) 6 (28.6) 15 (3.6)
 Yes 171 (74.3) 117 (68.4) 54 (31.6) 0.414 179 (42.4) 91 (50.8) 88 (49.2) 0.003
 No 59 (25.7) 44 (74.6) 15 (25.4) 243 (57.6) 159 (65.4) 84 (34.6)

DOCD, diagnosis of chronic diseases.