Figure 2.
BID, caspase 8, and caspase 3 are cleaved after OGD. Primary cortical neuronal cell cultures were subjected to 2 h of OGD. (Results are representative of 2–3 independent experiments per time point.) (a) At different time points after restoring oxygen and glucose, cell lysates were probed by Western blot analysis for caspase 8 proform (55 kDa, antibody SK 441), cleavage product (43 kDa, antibody SK 440), caspase 3 proform (32 kDa, antibody LAP4), and active form (20 kDa, antibody D175). (b) At different time points, samples were probed for BID (OGD; Upper) and compared with cultures not subjected to OGD (Control; Lower).