Figure 2. SAHA increases mitochondrial mass in cardiomyocytes and mouse heart tissue subjected to I/R injury.
Mitochondria were stained with MitoTracker Green and analyzed by flow cytometry. A, Mitochondria mass detected by flow cytometry in NRVMs and hESC-CMs subjected to simulated I/R injury and treated with DMSO or SAHA (representative histogram). B, Quantification of MitoTracker Green fluorescence intensity in NRVMs and hESC-CMs. C-D, Representative western blots and quantification of VDAC expression in cell lysate samples from NRVMs and hESC-CMs subjected to simulated I/R injury. E-F, Representative western blots and quantification of VDAC expression in three zones of mouse heart subjected to I/R injury. I2R4, Ischemic 2 hours and reperfusion 4 hours; D, DMSO; S, SAHA; Pre, Pretreatment; Reper, Reperfusion only treatment.