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. 2019 May 6;9:6921. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43393-2

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Early aftershocks of the Visso earthquake and Norcia earthquakes are projected onto sections oriented orthogonal to the Vettore-Bove fault system (a,b and d,e, respectively) and Mts Sibillini Thrust (c,f, respectively). Light and dark grey dots denote earthquakes occurred after and before the time interval considered in each panel, respectively. Focal mechanisms are projected TDMT solutions of M > 4 events. The dashed yellow lines define fault planes delineated by aftershock alignments, the black dashed lines mainshock fault planes inferred by TDMT solutions. Hypocenters within 3 km distance from sections are projected, with the exception of section L1-L2 in panel (f) for which events are within 1.5 km distance. Red arrows outline surface rupturing segments of the of the Vettore-Bove fault system (VFs - Vettore Fault, BF - Bove fault, CF - Cupi Fault), green arrows W-dipping active normal faults (NFs - Norcia basin fault-system), blue arrow NE-dipping active normal faults, black arrows inherited thrusts (MST - Mts Sibillini Thrust, PVT - Pizzo Tre Vescovi thrust). The inset sketch of panel a illustrates the model hypothesized for the northern segment ruptured by the Visso earthquake (red lines define ruptured segments, the black line the shallow part of the Pizzo Tre Vescovi thrust prolific in off-fault aftershock production).