Pharmacological effects of acetazolamide, methazolamide, and DIDS on
acid efflux in the anterior midgut of mosquito larvae.
(A and B) Time course of SERIS-pH-LIX
probe readings during basal application of acetazolamide
(A) and DIDS (B). Broken arrows indicate
events during recording. *, A background signal at 1 mm from the
tissue. (Inset) The approximate position of the
recording probe. (C) Normalized dose–response histogram
of acid efflux inhibition. Bars are mean ± SD
(n ≥ 4 for each concentration). *, A
significant difference of the value compared with a value from the
preceding 1:10 dilution (paired t test,
P > 0.001 for all significant definitions); †,
insignificant differences of the value compared with the value from the
preceding 1:10 dilution; **, significant differences
compared with 0.1% DMSO and 30-min controls; ††, insignificant
difference compared with the controls.