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. 2019 May 6;18:162. doi: 10.1186/s12936-019-2796-9

Table 4.

Quality of counseling in patients prescribed an ACT as assessed during exit interviews in health facility surveys in Maputo, Zambezia, and Cabo Delgado Provinces, Mozambique, 2018

Maputo Zambezia Cabo Delgado
95% CI 0 95% CI 90 95% CI
Given first dose at health facility 7 2–21 8 4–16 7 3–14
Given instructions on how to take ACT 100 100–100 92 87–96 79 68–87
Able to correctly recite dosing schedulea 62 28–87 58 45–70 58 38–76
Received instructions to:
 Take AL with food or milk 18 3–57 11 6–19 40 22–61
 Take AL on empty stomach 9 1–43 0 0.09–2.30 0 0.02–0.84
 Complete all doses 72 34–93 42 31–55 38 20–60
 Return if worse 66 30–90 38 29–48 40 22–61
 Return if no improvement 18 5–49 39 29–50 38 21–60

ACT, artemisinin-based combination therapy; AL, artemether–lumefantrine; CI, confidence interval

aCorrect number of tablets per dose, doses per day, and total duration of treatment. Calculated only for subset of patients prescribed the correct dose