Fig. 2.
Time-lapse imaging of organotypic brain slice culture. U87 cells were implanted in the right striatum, cortical area, subventricular zone, or corpus callosum. hG008 cells were implanted in the right striatum. Brain tissues from mice 7 days and 45 days after implantation of U87 cells and hG008 cells, respectively, were used for time-lapse imaging of brain slice cultures. See Additional files 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. a and b Snapshot fluorescence images of the striatum, cortical area, subventricular zone, and corpus callosum with U87 cells (a) and hG008 cells (b) at the indicated time points are shown. Scale bar, 100 μm. c Quantitative analysis of migration speed and distance of U87 cells and hG008 cells in the striatum. Imaris software was used to track migration of individual cells and calculate the total distance, net distance, and speed of migration. Migration speed was calculated during the period from 48 h to 86 h of culture. Migration distance was measured as the net distance between the initial position after 48 h of culture and the final position after 86 h of culture. Data represent the mean ± SEM (U87, n = 10; hG008, n = 22)