Figure 2.
The effect of radiation on the chromophore of GFP. (a, b) Fourier difference maps of the S65T variant between the initial data set and the irradiated data set at 100 K (a) and 50 K (b). Positive density contoured at 3.5σ is shown in magenta, while negative density contoured at −3.5σ is shown in dark blue. The occupancy of the minor conformation of Glu222 is 0.25. (c) The relationship between the X-ray dose and the change in temperature factor averaged for the specific atoms Oδ1 of Glu222, Wat2 and Wat4. (d, e) The Fourier difference map of the E222Q variant between the first and second halves of the data set. The occupancies of the minor conformations of Thr65 and Gln222 are 0.05 and 0.22, respectively. (d) is from the same point of view as (a) and (b), while (e) is from a perpendicular direction to the plane of the chromophore. The data sets were collected at 60 K. The cumulative dose of the latter data set was 1.4 × 105 Gy.