a) Plot of experimentally observed median angles from the axis perpendicular to the cellular midline, taken to be identical to σ, against the cell width for
B. subtilis cells of varying widths from
Hussain et al. (2018). Curves corresponding to the assumptions of a constant σ, a linear fit
, and a quadratic fit
are overlaid, where the parameter values α and β are summarized in
Supplementary file 2. (
b) Same as
Figure 3G of the main text, but with continuum limit predictions for the cases of a constant σ (green) and a quadratic fit
(blue), in addition to the case of a linear fit
(red) used in the main text. The continuum limit prediction for the case of a ten-fold larger filament step size,
, is also shown (purple), along with the prediction for the case of large twist and Gaussian curvature-dependent activation (orange; see also
Figure 4—figure supplement 4h). Localization therefore arises for the different functional dependencies of σ on
shown in (
a) and different filament properties.