Figure 2.
Ablation of ENH protein expression slows tension redevelopment kinetics in mouse myocardium. (A and B) Representative tension redevelopment traces at different [Ca2+]free in skinned right ventricular trabeculae isolated from the hearts of ENH+/+ (A) and ENH−/− (B) mice. (C) ktr–pCa relationships established in ENH+/+ and ENH−/− trabeculae. (D) ktr–relative tension relationship established in ENH+/+ and ENH−/− trabeculae. (E) In(ktr)–relative tension relationships established in ENH+/+ and ENH−/− trabeculae. The natural logarithm of mean ktr values were plotted against relative tension, and the regression fitted to the data yielded y intercepts of 1.60 (gapp = 4.94 s−1) and 1.14 (gapp = 3.33 s−1) for ENH+/+ and ENH−/− trabeculae, respectively. Each data point is the mean and error bar the SEM.