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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Psychiatry Res. 2019 Feb 27;275:162–168. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2019.02.067

Table 1:

Comparison of Persons with Schizophrenia in Two Residential Settings

Residing in Residential
Care Facilities
Residing with
someone in a house or
t / X2 df p Cohen’s
N Mean
or %
N Mean
or %
Sociodemographic Variables
 Age (years) 100 51.1 10.2 76 51.1 12.0 −0.005 174 1.00 <0.01
 Sex (% women) 34.0 46.1 2.63 1 0.11
 Race (%) 2.45 3 0.48
  Caucasian 54.0 47.4
  African-American 16.0 18.4
  Hispanic 21.0 28.9
  Other 9.0 5.3
 Education (years) 100 12.1 1.7 76 12.5 2.8 −0.986 115.2 0.33 −0.15
 Ever married (% yes) 32.0 57.9 11.8 1 0.001
 Current marital status (%) 27.8 2 <0.001
  Married or Co-habitating 1.0 25.3
  Single 69.4 41.3
  Separated/divorced/widowed 29.6 33.3
 Current smoking (packs per day) 100 0.55 0.60 74 0.31 0.51 2.70 172 0.008 0.42
 Age of illness onset (years) 95 24.4 9.44 76 26.5 12.23 −1.24 138.5 0.22 −0.19
 Antipsychotic daily dose 88 2.10 1.43 69 1.20 1.24 4.15 155 <0.001 0.67
 Positive Symptoms (SAPS) 73 5.99 4.11 43 6.53 4.22 −0.69 114 0.49 −0.13
 Negative Symptoms (SANS) 73 7.70 4.82 43 6.40 3.80 1.52 114 0.13 0.30
 Executive Functioning (D-KEFS) 73 −0.65 0.69 43 −0.37 0.79 −2.00 114 0.05 −0.38
Mental health
 Depression (CDRS) 72 2.33 3.11 43 4.09 3.72 −2.60 76.5 0.01 −0.51
 Perceived Stress 71 17.4 6.07 43 19.6 6.43 −1.89 112 0.06 −0.36
 Optimism (LOT-R) 71 20.7 3.67 43 19.6 4.17 1.46 112 0.15 0.28
 Resilience (CD-RISC) 70 23.6 8.08 43 22.4 7.98 0.83 111 0.41 0.16
 Mental Well-being (SF-36) 93 47.1 10.3 71 43.6 11.51 2.02 162 0.05 0.32
 Everyday Functioning (UPSA) 69 64.3 17.6 42 71.0 21.3 −1.80 109 0.07 −0.34
 Happiness (CESD-H) 71 7.90 3.30 43 6.56 3.50 2.06 112 0.04 0.39
Physical health
 Physical well-being (SF-36) 93 42.9 9.26 71 43.1 11.6 −0.16 162 0.88 −0.02
 Physical comorbidity (CIRS) 94 7.00 4.42 75 6.16 4.67 1.20 167 0.23 0.18
 Framingham Risk Score (CHD) 87 1.77 1.01 64 1.40 0.92 2.27 149 0.02 0.53
 BMI (Kg/m2) 98 30.6 6.6 74 33.5 8.1 −2.56 170 0.01 −0.39
Biomarkers of Aging (Metabolic)
 Fasting glucose (mg/dL) 93 106.0 51.8 67 115.1 59.1 −1.20 158 0.23 −0.19
 Fasting insulin (mIU/L) 91 14.9 15.2 65 17.1 16.8 −0.93 154 0.35 −0.15
 Hemoglobin A1C (%) 80 6.01 1.28 69 5.99 1.40 0.24 147 0.81 0.04
 HDL cholesterol (mg/dL) 96 42.8 12.1 71 49.1 16.6 −2.28 134.7 0.02 −0.36
 LDL cholesterol (mg/dL) 93 101.3 35.7 69 106.0 31.7 −1.27 159.5 0.21 −0.20
 Triglycerides (mg/dL) 96 163.2 100.5 71 160.0 99.6 0.34 165 0.73 0.05
Biomarkers of Aging (Inflammatory)
 CRP (mg/L) 97 6.4 15.8 73 4.7 8.9 1.49 168 0.14 0.33
 TNF-α (pg/mL) 72 3.17 1.19 41 3.08 1.18 0.26 111 0.80 0.05
 Interleukin-6 (pg/mL) 72 1.06 0.98 41 1.29 0.98 −1.42 111 0.16 −0.27

Abbreviations: SAPS/SANS= Assessment of Positive Symptoms and Negative Symptoms; CDRS = Calgary Depression Rating Scale; CHD = Coronary Heart Disease. LOT-R = Life Orientation Test-Revised; CD-RISC = Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10-item; D-KEFS = Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System, SF-36-Short-Form Health Survey; UPSA = UCSD Performance-based Skills Assessment; CESD-H = Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression; Happiness Scale; CIRS = Cumulative Illness Rating Scale; BMI = body mass index; mg/dL = milligrams per deciliter; mIU/L = milli-international units per liter; HDL = High-density lipoprotein; LDL = Low-density lipoprotein; hs-CRP = high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein; pg/mL = picograms per milliliter; TNF = Tumor Necrosis Factor

For the following scales, higher scores reflect better functioning/performance: D-KEFS, LOT-R, CD-RISC, SF-36, UPSA, CESD-H For the following scales, higher scores reflect worse functioning/performance: SAPS, SANS, CDRS, Perceived Stress, CIRS

† Only assessed in the participants in Study 2 (Accelerated biological aging in schizophrenia)