Figure 2.
Alternative functions for cell–cell fusogens. Membrane remodeling activity of EFF-1 and AFF-1 proteins is not limited to mediating cell–cell fusion events. Auto-fusion: a single cell fuses with itself to form donut-shaped cells that can stack and elongate to form tubes, or alternatively join a severed process, as in neuronal regeneration. Extracellular vesicle fusion: AFF-1 proteins can mediate the fusion between a vesicular carrier and the cell. Phagocytosis (EFF-1–mediated) and endocytosis (AFF-1–mediated): Fission events occur to seal the fission pore of the forming intracellular vesicle. Note that while endoplasmic fusogens (e.g., SNAREs and atlastins) act from the cytoplasmic space (light blue areas), EFF-1 and AFF-1 cell–cell fusogens induce fusion from the extracellular space (exoplasmic fusogens in white areas).