Figure 7.
Granules localizing to the growing ends of cells growing as pseudohyphae. (A) Images of a she2Δ strain relative to a Σ1278b parent after 24 h growth in 1% butanol. (B) Z-stacked images of NIP1-MS2 in a Σ1278b strain showing the filamentous phenotype after 24 h growth in 1% butanol. (C) Chart evaluating NIP1-MS2 granules found in the apical quarter of an elongated cell (n = 3, >50 cells per repeat). *, P < 0.05. Error bars = +SD. (D) Chart depicting fluorescence in NIP1 granules from the apical quarter relative to elsewhere. ***, P < 0.0005. Error bars = ±SD. (E) Z-stacked images of a Σ1278b strain after a puromycilation assay. Anti-puromycin (red) signal and NIP1-MS2/MS2-CP-GFP signal are shown. (F) Graph showing the puromycin signal intensity in the apical quarter of elongated cells with or without a colocalizing NIP1 granule. **, P < 0.01 (n = 20 cells). Error bars = +SD. Bars, 4 µm.