Table 3. Comparison of exon and intron content of Sarcophaga bullata to other flies. Source: Dm: dos Santos et al., 2015; Gm: International Glossina Genome Initiative 2014; Md: Scott et al., 2014.
Species | Genome size (Mb) | Exon Number | Exon Length (bp) | Intron Number | Intron Length (bp) |
Drosophila melanogaster | 200 | 77,682 | 539 | 58,537 | 1,700 |
Glossina morsitans | 590 | 63,000 | 475 | 52,000 | 1,600 |
Musca domestica | 1021 | 67,886 | 431 | 52,875 | 3,889 |
Sarcophaga bullata | 593 | 66,485 | 422 | 52,110 | 1,989 |