Figure 1. Sirt6 is expressed in chondrocytes.
(a) Immunohistological analysis of P14 wild-type mouse growth plates showed Sirt6 is highly expressed at proliferation zone and prehypertrophic zone. Note a lack of immunohistochemical staining for Sirt6 in Sirt6−/− growth plate. RZ: restingzone, PZ: proliferating zone, HZ: hypertrophic zone. (b) Sirt6−/− mice exhibit dwarfism. Alizarin red S- and Alcian blue-stained skeletons of P1 WT and Sirt6−/− mice. Note delayed ossification of metatarsal bone in Sirt6−/− (c, arrows). (d) Quantification of femur and tibia length of P14 WT and Sirt6−/− mice. Values represent the mean ± SD of 4 samples per group. *; p < 0.05.