Fig. 2.
CRMP2 phosphorylation is enhanced at the presynaptic sites of the dorsal horn. (A) Immunoblots showing the integrity of the synaptic fractionation from lumbar dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The non-PSD fraction was enriched in the pre-synaptic marker Synaptophysin and the PSD fraction was enriched in the post-synaptic marker PSD95. The membrane-associated protein flotillin was used as a loading control. (B) Immunoblots showing the pre-synaptic CRMP2 expression, CRMP2 p32 and CRMP2 p522 levels in the lumbar dorsal horn of the spinal cord of animals having received a spared nerve injury. Synaptophysin shows the consistency of the pre-synaptic material analyzed. Flotilin is used as a loading control. (C) Bar graph showing decreased CRMP2 p32 and increased CRMP2 p522 levels at the pre-synaptic sites in the ipsilateral side of lumbar dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Mean ± s.e.m., *p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney compared to the contralateral side. PSD: post-synaptic density.