Pulmonary adiaspiromycosis in a wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus
Figure 1. The lungs were firm and expanded by myriad granulomas.
Figure 2. The cut surface of the left caudal lung lobe was expanded
by variably sized, coalescent, granulomas (arrows). Formalin-fixed tissue.
Figure 3. Numerous densely cellular foci surrounding spore-like
adiaspores are present throughout the lung. H&E.
Figure 4. Adiaspores exhibit a bi- to trilaminar wall (arrow)
comprising a thin, brightly eosinophilic outer layer, and a thick, pale
eosinophilic inner layer surrounding a core of basophilic granular-to-foamy
material (asterisk). Adiaspores are surrounded by heterophils, macrophages,
multinucleate giant cells (arrowhead), lymphocytes, and plasma cells, in
variable proportions, with interspersed fibroblasts. H&E.
Figure 5. The adiaspore wall is stained intensely positive with
periodic acid–Schiff stain. Multifocally, adiaspores are surrounded by
multinucleate giant cells with >40 nuclei (arrowhead).
Figure 6. The adiaspore wall exhibits intense staining with Grocott
methenamine silver stain (arrow).
Figure 7. Similar adiaspores (arrow) are present within the
tracheobronchial lymph node. Large multinucleate giant cells are also evident
multifocally in this case within the subcapsular sinus (arrowheads).