(a-e), species/clade diagnostic shape classes: a, shape class "A" characteristic of C. umbla (BGR Ҫevırme 1). (b), shape class "R", characteristic of C. sieboldi (BGR Ҫevırme 3). (c-d), shape class "J", characteristic of C. baliki (BGR Ҫevırme 4, 5). (e), clade diagnostic shape class "M", characteristic of Aralo-Caspian clade of genus Capoeta (C. sevangi and C. capoeta) BGR Ҫevırme 23). (f-k), genus diagnostic shape class "C" (BGR Ҫevırme 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29). (l-s), common shape classes shared by different species. (l-n), shape class "B" (BGR Ҫevırme 155, 156, 157). (o-q), shape class "F" (BGR Ҫevırme 195, 196, 197). (r-s), shape class "H" (BGR Ҫevırme 226, 227). (t), not identified, possibly tooth pathology (BGR Ҫevırme 237). (u), not identified (BGR Ҫevırme 238).