(A–B) Maximum projection of the superficial, intermediate, and deep vascular plexuses of P18 retinas from the indicated genotypes (column 1), with boxed regions displayed at higher magnification in columns 2–5. Mice were injected IP with 2–3 mg of sulfo-NHS-biotin 1–2 hr before sacrifice. Scale bar for column 1, 400 μm. Scale bar for columns 2–5, 200 μm. (C–E) Quantification of vascular density in the superficial and deep plexuses (C), the fraction of vessels that immunostain for Claudin5 (D), and the fraction of vessels that immunostain for PLVAP (E), for the genotypes shown in (A), (B), and Figure 1J. In this Figure and Figures 3 and 4, the numbers of WT alleles for the genes of interest are listed below each set of data points.