FIG 3.
Association between cyclin E1 (CCNE1) mRNA expression and palbociclib (PAL) efficacy. (A) Progression-free survival (PFS) in tumors with low or high CCNE1 mRNA expression by median. Hazard ratios (HRs) were derived from a Cox proportional hazards regression model. P value from the interaction test between gene expression and treatment. (B) Subpopulation treatment effect pattern plot analysis of CCNE1 mRNA expression as measured by HR (PAL plus fulvestrant [FUL] v placebo [PBO] plus FUL). The x-axis represents the median CCNE1 mRNA expression for patients in each overlapping subpopulation. The dashed lines represent the corresponding 95% pointwise CIs. The solid black line indicates a reference HR of 1, with HR less than 1 favoring the PAL plus FUL combination. (C) Subpopulation treatment effect pattern plot analysis of CCNE1 mRNA expression as measured by 6-month PFS rates. mPFS, median progression-free survival.