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. 2019 Apr 29;7:100403. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100403

Table 3.

Social Capital and Socioeconomic Status Results.

Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5
OLS Logit Poisson ZIP Negative Binomial
Social capital index -.251+ -.012 -.244* -.157 -.238*** -.023 -.267*** .020 -.197** -.019
(.135) (.360) (.108) (.259) (.043) (.068) (.047) (.071) (.069) (.121)
Socioeconomic status index (Ref: Middle SES)
Lower SES 1.498*** 1.483*** .822* .823* .451*** .338*** .415*** .275*** .472** .392*
(.454) (.453) (.390) (.398) (.074) (.077) (.077) (.081) (.161) (.164)
Higher SES -.426 -.457 -.711* -.730* -.155+ -.158+ -.130 -.149+ -.245 -.264+
(.420) (.422) (.323) (.326) (.084) (.085) (.088) (.089) (.154) (.154)
Interaction term
Social capital index*Lower SES -.690* -.390 -.550*** -.690*** -.631**
(.419) (.356) (.107) (.114) (.203)
Social capital index*Higher SES .016 .062 -.050 -.111 -.097
(.406) (.294) (.093) (.098) (.157)
Population density (log) .390** .405** .729*** .736** .105*** .102*** .078** .075** .146** .148**
(.135) (.134) (.126) (.127) (.024) (.024) (.026) (.026) (.050) (.050)
Proportion 65 years and older 1.375 2.188 -.403 -.086 .356 .636 1.066* 1.576*** 1.529 2.189*
(2.205) (2.223) (1.691) (1.745) (.391) (.395) (.440) (.442) (.986) (1.009)
Proportion of women in the population 3.521 3.169 5.853 6.005 2.450* 2.329* .378 -.235 .860 -.318
(5.652) (5.661) (4.200) (4.31) (1.000) (.980) (1.199) (1.160) (2.217) (2.266)
Proportion of single-person househlds 2.018 1.992 2.266+ 2.294+ 1.420*** 1.394*** 1.354*** 1.376*** 2.042** 2.026**
(1.756) (1.751) (1.308) (1.320) (.343) (.339) (.363) (.357) (.685) (.683)
Residential stability 4.188* 4.218* 2.138 2.121 2.429*** 2.339*** 2.500*** 2.410*** 2.634** 2.403**
(2.021) (2.016) 1.426 (1.428) (.470) (.469) (.506) (.510) (.874) (.873)
Tsunami height (m) .295*** .298*** .184*** .192*** .010*** .101*** .091*** .093*** .124*** .128***
(.037) (.037) (.035) (.036) (.006) (.006) (.006) (.006) (.015) (.015)
Area of the community (km2) -.003 -.003 .136** .134** -.002 -.001 -.002 -.002 -.002 -.002
(.003) (.003) (.052) (.051) (.001) (.001) (.001) (.001) (.002) (.002)
Coast line length (km) -.101** -.098** .070 .073 -.034*** -.032*** -.041*** -.038*** -.027+ -.028+
(.038) (.038) (.081) (.084) (.008) (.008) (.009) (.009) (.015) (.015)
Distance between sea and nearest mountain (km) .829*** .834*** .311** .329** .286*** .289*** .284** .288*** .380*** .378***
(.121) (.120) (.114) (.114) (.018) (.018) (.018) (.018) (.052) (.051)
Seawall height (m) -.037 -.058 -.094* -.105* -.018 -.023+ -.014 -.020 -.003 -.011
(.057) (.058) (.044) (.045) (.012) (.012) (.013) (.013) (.024) (.024)
Designated city dummy (Ref: No) −4.167*** −4.097*** -.795 -.766 −1.463*** −1.425*** −1.550*** −1.507*** −2.072*** −1.993***
(1.072) (1.068) (.934) (.932) (.187) (.187) (.191) (.102) (.471) (.465)
Constant −8.946** −8.989** −9.688*** −9.854*** −4.614*** −4.489*** −3.481*** −3.158*** −5.123*** −4.472***
(3.310) (3.319) (2.498) (2.532) (.678) (.676) (.755) (.740) (1.308) (1.324)
Tsunami height (m) -.060 -.056
(.046) (.043)
Constant −1.891*** −1.912***
(.391) (.385)
Log α .144 .117
(.094) (.095)
α 1.154 1.124
(.109) (.107)
R2/Pseudo R2 .210 .220 .199 .204 .195 .205 .072 .078

Notes: Numbers in parentheses are standard errors. N = 542.

+ p < .10, *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.