Clinical characteristics of the trauma patients
ID | Age
(yr) |
Gender | Transfusion | ISSa | Injury descriptionb | Antibiotic(s) |
TP3 | 50 | Female | None | 16 | Fall, acute head injury |
Cefazolin |
TP7 | 35 | Male | RBC, plasma | 26 | Major trauma, lacerations of the liver and abdominal wall with a foreign body |
Cefazolin/vancomycin/piperacillin |
TP10 | 51 | Male | Packed RBC, plasma, platelets | 27 | MVA, lacerations of liver, spleen, and kidney with large abdominal bleed, large scalp wound |
Cefazolin |
TP12 | 24 | Female | RBC, plasma, platelets | 22 | MVA, open-fracture humerus, laceration of diaphragm, traumatic pneumothorax, traumatic brain injury, facial laceration |
Cefazolin/gentamicin/penicillin G |
TP15 | 56 | Female | Leukoreduced RBC | 27 | MVA, tibia fracture, closed compression fracture L3 lumbar vertebra |
Cefazolin/cefoxitin |
TP17 | 22 | Male | None | 29 | Blunt force trauma, liver laceration extension, mandible fracture, maxillary fracture |
Clindamycin |
TP18 | 51 | Male | Plasma | 38 | MVA, closed fracture left humerus, intraparenchymal hemorrhage of brain, open fractures left distal radius/ulna |
Cefazolin |
TP19 | 23 | Male | None | 38 | Motorcycle accident, diffuse axonal injury, laceration to right knee, pelvic fracture, bilateral radius fracture |
Cefazolin |
Each injury is allocated to one of six body regions (head/neck, face, chest, abdomen/pelvis, extremities, and skin/general) and is assigned an abbreviated injury scale (AIS) score from 1 to 6 (most severe). The AIS scores of the three most severely injured body regions are squared and added together to calculate the injury severity score (ISS) (2, 18).
MVA, motor vehicle accident.