AIP Regulates GC Formation
(A–C) GC B cells (B220+ GL7+ CD95+; in A) and percentage of GC B cells from Aipfl/fl Cre+ mice (B; see also Figures S1C–S1F) and ratio of GCs between Aipfl/fl Cre+ and Cre− mice (C).
(D and E) Lower expression of BCL6 as determined by flow cytometry (D) measuring the median fluorescent intensity (MFI; in E) (see also Figures S2–S4). Grey histograms represent biological control by gating on naive (IgDhi) B cells that do not express BCL6.
Results are from two or three independent experiments with two to four animals per experiment. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001.