Table 1.
Description of the abbreviations, symbol, value (as in Evans and von Caemmerer, 2013), and unit of the environmental parameters and leaf variables used in this study
Abbreviation | Description | |
Gch | Growth chamber | |
GDC | Glycine decarboxylase complex | |
gdch-KD | Transgenic GDC H-subunit knockdown | |
Lch | Leaf chamber | |
LEDR | Light-enhanced dark respiration | |
NH3 | Ammonia | |
NH4+ | Ammonium cation | |
PDH | Pyruvate dehydrogenase | |
RuBP | Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate | |
TCA | Tricarboxylic acid | |
2-PG | 2-phosphoglycolate | |
3-PGA | 3-phosphoglycerate | |
Symbol | Environmental parameters/leaf variables | Value and unit |
A | Net CO2 assimilation rate per unit (one side) leaf surface area | µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 |
a | 13C fractionation during CO2 diffusion (in air) through stomata | 4.4‰ |
b 3 | Rubisco 13C fractionation | 29.0‰ |
C a | CO2 mole fraction or CO2 partial pressure set in the leaf chamber | µmol mol−1; Pa |
C c | CO2 mole fraction or CO2 partial pressure in the chloroplast | µmol mol−1; Pa |
C i | CO2 mole fraction or CO2 partial pressure in the intercellular air space | µmol mol−1; Pa |
C in | CO2 mole fraction entering the leaf chamber | µmol mol−1 |
C out | CO2 mole fraction leaving the leaf chamber | µmol mol−1 |
C s | CO2 mole fraction at the leaf surface | µmol mol−1 |
f | Photorespiratory 13CO2 fractionation | ‰ |
g m | Mesophyll conductance to CO2 diffusion from the substomatal cavity to the chloroplast stroma | µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 Pa−1 |
g sC | Stomatal conductance to CO2 diffusion | µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 Pa−1 |
LMA | Leaf dry mass per (one side) unit surface area | g m−2 |
pCO2 | Partial pressure of CO2 | Pa |
pO2 | Partial pressure of O2 | kPa |
PPFD | Photosynthetic photon flux density | µmol photons m−2 s−1 |
R d | Dark respiration rate per unit (one side) leaf surface area | µmol CO2 m−2 s-1 |
R d(24h) | R d after 24 h dark | µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 |
R d(30min) | R d after 30 min dark | µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 |
R d(3h) | R d after 3 h dark | µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 |
R d(6min) | R d after 6 min dark | µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 |
R L | Light mitochondrial non-photorespiratoy respiration rate per unit (one side) leaf surface area | µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 |
t | Correction factor for ternary effects | ‰ |
t air | Air temperature | °C |
t leaf | Leaf temperature | °C |
VPD | Vapor pressure deficit | kPa |
α | Moles of CO2 released in the photorespiratory pathway per mole of O2 reacting with RuBP | mol CO2 mol−1 O2 |
Δe | 13C discrimination associated wtih mitochondrial non-photorespiratory respiration | ‰ |
Δf | 13C discrimination associated with photorespiration | ‰ |
Δgm | 13C discrimination associated with mesophyll conductance to CO2 diffusion | ‰ |
Δi | 13C discrimination due to carboxylation, boundary layer and stomatal CO2 diffusion | ‰ |
Δo | Observed (instantaneous) leaf net discrimination against 13CO2 in the light | ‰ |
Γ | CO2 compensation point | µmol mol−1; Pa |
Γ* | CO2 compensation point in absence of mitochondrial non-photorespiratory respiration | µmol mol−1; Pa |
δin | δ13C of CO2 entering the leaf chamber | ‰ |
δout | δ13C of CO2 leaving the leaf chamber | ‰ |
δRdGch_substr | Fractional contribution of respiratory substrates from Gch carbon assimilates to δ13C of dark-evolved CO2 | ‰/‰ |
δRdLch_substr | Fractional contribution of respiratory substrates from Lch carbon assimilates to δ13C of dark-evolved CO2 | ‰/‰ |
δ13C | 13C composition of CO2 | ‰ |
δ13Cdm | 13C signature of leaf dry matter | ‰ |
δ13CGch | 13C composition of atmospheric CO2 in the growth chamber during the photoperiod | ‰ |
δ13CLch_Ph | Representative δ13C of carbon assimilates produced in the Lch | ‰ |
δ13CRd | δ13C of CO2 evolved by leaves in the dark | ‰ |
δ13CRd(24h) | δ13C of CO2 evolved by leaves after 24 h dark | ‰ |
δ13CRd(30min) | δ13C of CO2 evolved by leaves after 30 min dark | ‰ |
δ13CRd(3h) | δ13C of CO2 evolved by leaves after 3 h dark | ‰ |
δ13CRd(6min) | δ13C of CO2 evolved by leaves after 6 min dark | ‰ |