Fig. 5.
Altered expression of SAGs and ABA-related genes in WT, osmyb102-D, 35S:OsMYB102, and 35S:GFP-OsMYB102 plants under DIS conditions. Plants grown for 1 month under LD (14 h light/day) conditions were transferred to darkness at 28 °C and incubated in darkness for 4 or 6 d. Relative transcript levels of OsCYP707A6 (A), OsABA2 (B), OsABA3 (C), OsABF1 (D), OsABF4 (E), OsNAP (F), OsSGR (G), OsNYC1 (H), OsEIN3 (I), OsLhcb1 (J), OsLhcb3 (K), and OsLhca1 (L) were determined by RT-qPCR and normalized to the transcript levels of UBQ5. Black, white, red, and blue bars indicate WT, osmyb102-D, 35S:OsMYB102, and 35S:GFP-OsMYB102 plants, respectively. The mean and SD values were obtained from more than three biological samples. Asterisks indicate a significant difference compared with the WT (Student’s t-test, *P<0.05, **P<0.01). These experiments were repeated twice with similar results. DDI, day(s) of dark incubation.