Induction of neurite outgrowth by overexpression
of PKCε. (A) SK-N-BE(2) neuroblastoma cells were transfected with
expression vectors encoding full-length (FL) and RD from PKCδ, ε,
η, and θ, fused to EGFP. Empty EGFP vector (−) was used as
control. Cells were fixed 16 h after transfection and transfected
cells with neurites longer than the length of two cell bodies were
counted. Data (mean ± SEM, n = 2) are presented as
percentage of transfected cells with long neurites. (B) Amount of EGFP
fusion proteins in individual cells was analyzed with laser scanning
cytometry. For each experiment, 50–150 cells were analyzed and the
average of these cells was used as the observation value from that experiment. Data (mean ± SEM)
are presented as arbitrary fluorescence intensity units from two
separate experiments. (C) Cells expressing full-length PKCε or the
PKCε RD fused to EGFP with fluorescence intensity of 350,000–550,000
U were scored for the presence of neurites. Twenty cells were scored in
each experiment and data are presented as percentage of cells with
neurites (mean ± SEM, five separate experiments) and arbitrary
fluorescence intensity units (mean ± SEM, 100 different cells).
SK-N-BE(2) cells were grown with or without 10% serum (D) or in
serum-free medium with or without 16 nM TPA (E) for 16 h after
transfection with vectors encoding EGFP (−), full-length PKCε (FL),
or the PKCε RD (RD). Transfected cells were scored for neurites
longer than two cell bodies and data, mean ± SEM, n = 3 (D)
or 5 (E), are presented as percentage of transfected cells with