Fig. 3.
Differentially expressed proteins between carbon sources in the different molecular size fractions. Heatmap of intensities of a 166 proteins which showed significantly different intensities between cells grown on CB and MCC in peak I, and b 245 proteins which showed significantly different intensities between cells grown on the different substrates in peak II. Heatmaps were generated using LFQ intensities (log2), where zero intensity values were imputed to 10. Rows were standardized, and clustered by Hierarchical clustering using the Euclidian method and average linkage. Differential proteins had |log2 fold change| ≥ 1 and FDR q-value ≤ 0.1. Full list of gene names and intensities is detailed in Additional file 3: Table S2. Genes at the top and bottom of the heat maps and at the boundaries between high and low intensity areas are indicated (see Additional file 3: Table S2). Triplicates of two molecular-weight peaks of the two carbon sources (cellobiose—CB and microcrystalline cellulose—MCC) were clustered hierarchically. Numbers from 1 to 3 at top represent the different triplicates from the two substrates