Figure 3.
Renin expression and secretion are increased by the 2K1C surgery in both WT and Cx37−/− mice. A, Four weeks after surgery, the basal levels of the renin transcript increased in the clipped, hypoperfused kidney of both WT and Cx37−/− mice. WT sham (sham‐operated controls) N=14; Cx37−/− sham N=13; WT 2K1C N=16; Cx37−/− 2K1C N=12. B, The plasmatic concentration of renin (PRC) was also significantly increased in the 2 types of mice. However, Cx37−/− mice had basal and 2K1C‐induced levels of PRC significantly higher than WT animals. WT sham N=8; Cx37−/− sham N=6; WT 2K1C (2‐kidney, 1‐clip) N=9; Cx37−/− 2K1C N=6. Results are means+SEM. *P≤0.05, ***P≤0.001 vs respective control mice; ° P≤0.05, °°° P≤0.001 vs WT mice, as given by 2‐way ANOVA. C, Renin immunostaining (green) increased in the hypoperfused left kidney of both WT and Cx37−/− mice, while decreasing in their contralateral right kidney, and was higher in Cx37−/− than in WT mice. Cx40 (Connexin40). Immunostaining (red) localizes the renin‐secreting cells of the afferent arterioles. Bar=50 μm. AngI indicates angiotensin I; WT, wild type.