Effect of Ang II infusion on cardiac hypertrophy, kidney weight/body weight ratio, renal KIM1 (kidney injury molecule 1) mRNA, and renal histology in WT and PT‐KO mice. A, Effect of 2 weeks of Ang II (1000 ng/kg per minute) infusion on heart weight/body weight ratio in WT and PT‐KO mice. Values are expressed as mean±SE (7–8 mice in each group). **P<0.01 vs vehicle‐infused group. B, Effect of 2 weeks of Ang II (1000 ng/kg per minute) infusion on kidney weight/body weight ratio in WT and PT‐KO mice. Values are expressed as mean±SE (7–8 mice in each group). C, Quantitative analysis of KIM1 mRNA expression in kidneys. Values are normalized relative to 18S rRNA control levels and expressed relative to KIM1 mRNA in vehicle‐infused WT mice. Values are expressed as mean±SE (7–8 mice in each group). D, Representative images of sections of kidneys from WT and PT‐KO mice stained with periodic acid‐Schiff (top; original magnification, ×400; bar, 50 μm) and Masson's trichrome (bottom; original magnification, ×200; bar, 100 μm). Ang II indicates angiotensin II; PT‐KO, proximal tubule–specific ATRAP (angiotensin II receptor–associated protein) knockout; WT, wild type.