Figure 3.
Subpopulation of endogenous ARL2 and BART cofractionates with mitochondria from sf295 cells. Subcellular fractionation of sf295 cells was performed as described under MATERIALS AND METHODS. Equal protein samples (25 μg) from each fraction were then analyzed by Western blotting with ARL2, BART, ARL3, and cytochrome c antibodies. ARL2, BART, and cytochrome c are present in the mitochondria-enriched fraction, whereas ARL3 is absent from this material. Also, note that there was much more total protein in the S100 than mitochondria fractions, such that we estimate that 10–20% of cellular ARL2 and BART are associated with mitochondria in sf295 cells. Similar results were obtained at least twice and when using rat brain tissue in separate isolation procedures.