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. 2019 Apr 29;79(5):368. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6863-8

Table 1.

The relative uncertainties in σtt¯vis and σtt¯ and their sources, as obtained from the template fit. The uncertainty in the integrated luminosity and the MC statistical uncertainty are determined separately. The individual uncertainties are given without their correlations, which are however accounted for in the total uncertainties. Extrapolation uncertainties only affect σtt¯. For these uncertainties, the ± notation is used if a positive variation produces an increase in σtt¯, while the notation is used otherwise

Source Uncertainty (%)
Trigger 0.3
Lepton ident./isolation 2.0
Muon momentum scale 0.1
Electron momentum scale 0.1
Jet energy scale 0.4
Jet energy resolution 0.4
b tagging 0.4
Pileup 0.1
tt¯ ME scale 0.2
tW ME scale 0.2
DY ME scale 0.1
PDF 1.1
Top quark pT 0.5
ME/PS matching 0.2
UE tune 0.3
tt¯ ISR scale 0.4
tW ISR scale 0.1
tt¯ FSR scale 0.8
tW FSR scale 0.1
b quark fragmentation 0.7
b hadron BF 0.1
Colour reconnection 0.3
DY background 0.9
tW background 1.1
Diboson background 0.2
W+jets background 0.2
tt¯ background 0.2
Statistical 0.2
Integrated luminosity 2.5
MC statistical 1.1
Total σtt¯vis uncertainty 3.8
Extrapolation uncertainties
tt¯ ME scale 0.10.3
PDF ±0.60.8
Top quark pT <0.10.5
tt¯ ISR scale <0.10.1
tt¯ FSR scale ±<0.10.1
UE tune <0.1
Total σtt¯ uncertainty 4.0