• Asymptomatic TD is frequently observed in patients with T2D. |
• Undetected thyroid disorders can compromise the metabolic control and amplify the risk of cardiovascular events. |
• The screening of TD could prevent the high cardiovascular complications of T2D. |
• The diagnosis of TD in patients with T2D is difficult because some oral antidiabetic drugs can interfere with the evaluation of serum TSH levels. |
• Mild subclinical thyroid disease can progress at a low rate, suggesting a long-term screening program. |
• The use of age-specific TSH range should be considered to avoid the misdiagnosis of hypothyroidism in elderly patients with T2D. |
• There are insufficient data to assess the specific tests for screening (TSH alone, TSH and TPO, or TSH and FT4), the exact interval of periodic screening, and the cost-benefit ratio. |