Inhibition of Tf recycling by dynts is
not due to defective endosome acidification. (A) dynwt
(circles) and dynts (squares)-expressing cells were loaded
with 125I-Tf for 1 h at 38°C. Cell
surface-associated 125I-Tf was removed at 0°C by the
acidic-neutral wash procedure using either MES buffer (open symbols) or
acetate buffer (closed symbols). The cells were then reincubated at
38°C, and the release of 125I-Tf was measured.
Intracellular 125I-Tf is plotted as a percentage of total
endocytosed 125I-Tf (n = 2, mean ± SD). The
experiments shown are representative of three independent experiments,
each with duplicate samples. The acetate treatment assured the release
of Fe3+ from intracellular 125I-Tf.
dynts inhibited the release of 125I-Tf
irrespective of acetate or MES treatment. Lack of endosome
acidification thus can not explain the results. (B) As a positive
control for this procedure, dynwt-expressing cells were
loaded for 1 h at 38°C with 125I-Tf in the absence
(○) or presence (▵ and □) of 100 nM of concanamycin A, a vacuolar
proton pump inhibitor. Cell surface-associated 125I-Tf was
removed at 0°C by the acid-neutral wash procedure using either MES
buffer (□) or acetate buffer (○ and▵). Cells were then
reincubated at 38°C in the absence (○) or presence (▵ and □) of
100 nM concanamycin A and release of 125I-Tf was measured.
Intracellular 125I-Tf is plotted as a percentage of total
internalized 125I-Tf. The results shown (n = 2,
mean ± SD) are representative of five independent experiments.
The acetate treatment restored 125I-Tf recycling by
concanamycin A-treated cells, illustrating the effectiveness of this