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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 May 9.
Published in final edited form as: J Clin Psychol. 2018 May 10;74(9):1485–1508. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22634

Table 2.

Randomized Controlled Trials of Relaxation for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Source Population N = enrolled Age (% women) Mind-Body Intervention(s) n (Frequency and Duration) Comparison Intervention(s) n (Frequency and Duration) PTSD Outcome Measures (Additional Measures) Within Group Pre to Post Effect Sizes for Relaxation Condition
Carletto et al. (2016) Patients with MS diagnosed with PTSD N = 50 Mean age = 40.1 (81% women) Relaxation Therapy Randomized: n = 25 Completed: n = 22 (10 60-min sessions conducted over 12–15 weeks) EMDR Randomized: n = 25 Completed: n = 20 (10 60-min sessions conducted over 12–15 weeks) CAPS; IES-R; (SCID-IV; HADS; CMDI; FAMS; TAQ; FSS; EDSS) Within Group: CAPS (ηp2= NR) IES-R (ηp2= NR)
Hinton et al. (2011) Latino patients with treatment- resistant PTSD N = 24 Mean age = 49.5 (100% women) Applied Muscle Relaxation Randomized: n = 12 Completed: n = 12 (14 weekly 60-min group sessions) Culturally-Adapted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Randomized: n = 12 Completed: n = 12 (14 weekly 60-min group sessions) PCL-C (Emotion Regulation Scale; Nervios Scale; SCL-90-R) Within Group: PCL-C (d = 0.80)
Markowitz et al. (2015) Individuals with PTSD N = 110 Mean age = 40.10 (70% women) Relaxation Therapy Randomized: n = 32 Completed: n = 21 (10 90-min group sessions over 14 weeks) Prolonged Exposure Randomized: n = 38 Completed: n = 27 (10 90-min group sessions over 14 weeks) Interpersonal Psychotherapy Randomized: n = 40 Completed: n = 34 (14 weekly 50-min group sessions) CAPS; PSS-SR (IIP; Q-LES-Q; SAS-SR; Self-initiated In Vivo Exposure Scale) Within Group: CAPS (d = 1.32) PSS-SR (d = 0.71)
Marks et al. (1998) Individuals with PTSD N = 87 Mean age = 38 (35.6% women) Relaxation Randomized: n = 21 Completed: n = 20 (10 90-min sessions) Prolonged Exposure Randomized: n = 23 Completed: n = 20 Cognitive Restructuring Randomized: n = 19 Completed: n = 18 (10 90-min individual sessions) Exposure + Cognitive Restructuring Randomized: n = 24 Completed: n = 19 (10 105-min sessions) CAPS; IES; PSS (BDI; Fear Questionnaire; GHQ; STAI) Within Group: CAPS (d = 0.60) IES (d = 0.08) PSS (NR)
Taylor et al. (2003) Individuals with PTSD N = 60 Mean age = 37 (75% women) Relaxation Training Randomized: n = 19 Completed: n = 15 (8 1 hr sessions) Prolonged Exposure Randomized: n = 22 Completed: n = 15 EMDR Randomized: n = 19 Completed: n = 15 (All interventions: 8 1.5 hr sessions) CAPS; PSS (SCID-IV; BDI; RTQ) Within Group: CAPS (η2> 0.47) PSS (η2> 0.13)
Vaughan et al. (1994) Individuals with PTSD N = 36 Mean age = 32 (63.9% women) Applied Muscle Relaxation Randomized: n = 11 Completed: n = 11 (3–5 50 min sessions over 2–3 weeks) Waitlist Control Group Randomized: n = 17 Completed: n = 17 EMD Randomized: n = 12 Completed: n = 12 Image Habituation Training Randomized: n = 13 Completed: n = 13 (Both interventions: 3–5 50 min sessions over 2–3 weeks) IES; SI-PTSD (ADIS-R; STAI; BDI) Within Group: SI-PTSD (NR) IES (NR)
Zucker et al. (2009) Individuals in residential substance use treatment with PTSD symptoms N = 50 Age range = 18–60 (44.7% women) Progressive Muscle Relaxation Randomized: n = NR Completed: n = 19 (At least 20-min daily for 4 weeks) Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Biofeedback Randomized: n = NR Completed: n = 19 (At least 20-min daily for 4 weeks) PCL-C; PTS-T scale from DAPS (BDI; ISI; SDNN; Substance Cravings Question) Within Group: PCL-C (NR) PTS-T (NR)

Note. All interventions contain individual treatment sessions unless otherwise noted.

Cohen’s d effect sizes: small = 0.1–0.3; moderate = 0.3–0.5; large = >0.5

Partial eta squared effect sizes: small = 0.01–0.06; moderate = 0.06–0.15; large = >0.15

Key: EMD (Eye Movement Desensitization); EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing); Multiple Sclerosis (MS); NR (Not Reported); NS (Not Significant); PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder); R (Relaxation/Relaxation Training)

Measures: ADIS-R (Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule-Revised); BDI (Beck Depression Inventory); CAPS (Clinician Administered PTSD Scale); CMDI (Chicago Multiscale Depression Inventory); DAPS (Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic States); EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale); FAMS (Functional Assessment of Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis); FSS (Fatigue Severity Scale); GHQ (General Health Questionnaire); HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale); IES (Impact of Events Scale); IES-R (Impact of Events Scale-Revised); IIP (Inventory of Interpersonal Problems); ISI (Insomnia Severity Index); PCL-C (PTSD Checklist-Civilian); PSS (PTSD Symptoms Scale); PSS-SR (Posttraumatic Stress Scale-Self Report); PTS-T (Posttraumatic Stress-Total on the Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic States); Q-LES-Q (Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction); RTQ (Reactions to Treatment Questionnaire); SAS-SR (Social Adjustment Scale-Self Report); SCID-IV (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV); SCL (Symptom Checklist); SDNN (Standard Deviation of Normal-to Normal); SI-PTSD (PTSD Structured Interview); STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory); TAQ (Trauma Antecedent Questionnaire)

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