Kinetics of the colocalization of TIAR and eIF3 at
stress granules. DU145 cells were treated with 1.0 mM sodium arsenite
for 30 min, washed, and then further incubated in the absence of
arsenite (recovery) for the indicated times. Each row depicts parallel
views of the same field. TIA-1/R appears green, eIF3 appears red, and
coincidence appears yellow (right column: merge). Control (A), 30-min
arsenite treatment without recovery (B), 30-min arsenite followed by
30-min recovery (C); 30-min arsenite followed by 1-h recovery (D);
30-min arsenite followed by 2-h recovery (E); and 30-min arsenite
followed by 3-h recovery (F). Nuclei are stained blue. Bar, 20 μm.