Illustration of DSRNN modeling process. (a) Raw brain tfMRI images
series. (b) Vectorization of tfMRI image series after sampling. (c) Hierarchy
diagram of DSRNN model. (d) Weight matrix between input layer and fully
connected layer. (e) Visualization of activated brain region groups represented
by weight matrix of fully connected layer. (f) Output time series of fully
connected layer. Each column vector indicates the activation of 32 distinctive
brain region groups. (g) Visualization of fully time-scale output time series of
fully connected layer, also the activation traces of 32 brain region groups.
Motor task is used as an example, and the ground-truth temporal distribution of
event blocks is illustrated at the top. (h) Visualization of clustered
activation traces.(i) Visualization of brain activation maps corresponding to 5
motions, based on 32 brain region groups (e) and their clustered activation
traces (h). Brain activation maps from I to VI are corresponding to the motion
events of right foot, left foot, tongue, left hand and right hand, respectively.
(j) Recognition of brain states.