Panels A-D show different regions of the same chromatograms of CYP6DJ1 assays and extracts of beetles treated with (–)-(4S)-limonene. (A) (1S,2R,4S)-Limonene-1,2-epoxide (peak 1) and (1R,2S,4S)-limonene-1,2-epoxide (peak 2) were detected in beetles treated with (–)-(4S)-limonene. (4S,8S)-Limonene-8,9-epoxide (peak 3) and (4S,8R)-limonene-8,9-epoxide (peak 4) were produced by CYP6DJ1 in in vitro assays with (–)-(4S)-limonene and were detected in beetles treated with (–)-(4S)-limonene. (B) An unidentified product (peak 5), (–)-trans-(3S,4R)-isopiperitenol (peak 6), (–)-cis-(4R,6R)-carveol (peak 7) and (–)-trans-(4R,6S)-carveol (peak 8) were detected in beetles treated with (–)-(4S)-limonene. (C) (4S)-Perilla alcohol (peak 9) was produced in CYP6DJ1 assays with (–)-(4S)-limonene and was detected in beetles treated with (–)-(4S)-limonene. (D) (4S)-Limonene-1,2-diol was detected in beetles treated with (–)-(4S)-limonene. Chromatograms are shown with the total of the extracted ions 91, 94, 108, 109, 119, 121, 137, 152 m/z. Retention indices and mass spectra of peaks 1–10 are shown in S2 Table and S4 and S5 Figs.