Figure 7.
Removal of the TMD from SlySBP12a results in enhanced cell death upon overexpression. 35S:HA‐SlySBP12a, 35S:HA‐SlySBP12a(ΔTMD), or 35S:YFP was transiently transformed in N. benthamiana. (a) Images of leaves taken 5 days post‐transformation. (b) Electrolyte leakage assay used to quantify cell death. 35S:YFP—blue diamond; 35S:HA‐SlySBP12a —red square; and 35S:HA‐SlySBP12a(ΔTMD)—green triangle. Three independent experiments with similar results were pooled together for a total of 22 biological replicates for each gene. Error bars represent a 95% confidence interval