(A) MEA recordings of retinal light responses of rd10 mice at ages P14, 28 and 60.
(B) Quantification of peak light responses and spontaneous activity in the dark as a function of age in rd10 mice ex vivo retinal pieces. Values are mean ± SEM, measured in 7 – 10 retinal pieces at each age (P14–60).
(C) MEA recordings of spontaneous activity of synaptically-isolated RGCs in the dark in P60 rd1 retina and in a normal WT counterpart. See also Figure S1.
(D) Spontaneous firing in normal saline (black) and after adding synaptic blockers (red). To eliminate rod-mediated light responses, we promoted bleaching adaptation by exposing the isolated retinas to room light for 30 minutes before recording (Dowling J, 1987). In all three strains synaptic blockade caused no change in spontaneous firing (n.s.: non-significant, WT: n = 9, p = 0.99; rd1: n = 6, p = 0.28; rd10: n = 4, p = 0.76; paired t-test). Spontaneous firing in rd1 and rd10 remained significantly higher than in WT, even after synaptic blockade. Values are mean ± SEM. For full dataset, see Table S1.