Figure 2. Mediation pathway of peer victimization, anxiety symptoms, and alcohol across 9th to 12th grade.
Depiction of structural model representing the pathways from peer victimization to alcohol use through anxiety symptoms. For ease of presentation, hypothesized pathways are presented with bolded arrows. Pathways included in the tested model, but not included in the study hypotheses are presented with dashed arrows. The first coefficient is for the overall sample, the second for White youth, and the third for African American youth. Indirect coefficients are included in parenthesis. PV=peer victimization, Anx=anxiety symptoms, AL=alcohol use, 9=9th grade, 10=10th grade, 11=11th grade, 12= 12th grade. Not included in the figure, for ease of presentation, are correlations among the variables, disturbance terms, error terms, and covariates. ^p<.01, * p <.05, ** p <.01, ***p <.001