Table 2.
Results of assessment of bias for animal studies, based on SYRCLE risk-of-bias tool [19]
Reference | Sequence generation | Group similarities at baseline | Allocation concealment | Random housing of animals | Blinding of caregivers and/or investigators and outcome assessor | Random animal selection for outcome assessment | Incomplete outcome data addressed | Free of selective reporting | Free of other bias |
Erlandsson, 2014 [29] | Unclear | Low | Unclear | Unclear | Unclear | Low | Unclear | Low | Low |
Fu, 2015 [12] | Low | Low | Unclear | Low | Unclear | Low | Low | Low | Low |
Liu, 2014 [35] | Unclear | Low | Unclear | Low | Unclear | Low | Unclear | Low | Low |
Naav, 2015 [30] | Unclear | Unclear | Unclear | Unclear | Unclear | Low | High | Unclear | Low |
Shinyama, 1996 [28] | Unclear | Low | Unclear | Unclear | Unclear | Unclear | Low | Low | Low |
Wang, 2016 [33] | Unclear | Low | Unclear | Unclear | Unclear | Unclear | Low | Unclear | Low |
Wester-Rosenlof, 2014 [11] | Low | Low | Low | Unclear | Low | Low | Low | Low | Low |