Figure 8:
Examples of pre- and post-treatment bladder cancer pairs. The pre-treatment scan is on the left side and the post-treatment scan is on the right side. The arrow on the pre-treatment scan points to the bladder cancer. (a) The observers and the CAD correctly identified the completely responding tumor. (b) The observers and the CAD both incorrectly identified the completely responding tumor, stating that the cancer did not fully respond. Pathology revealed only therapy-related changes. (c) The observers correctly identified the non-completely responding cancer. The CAD, however, erroneously identified this cancer as having completely responded. This may be due to the presence of a stent, changing the imaging properties of the cancer. The observers were not affected adversely when provided with the CAD results. (d) The CAD correctly identified this completely responding cancer, while the majority of observers erroneously identified this cancer as non-completely responding. After the CAD scores were revealed, the observers modified their scores and then generally agreed with CAD and correctly classified this cancer.