Table 4.
A summary of the included intervention studies and their characteristics. N = sample size; I = intervention group sample size; C = control group sample size; sig. = significant.
Study ID, country, study design | Sample size | Focus of intervention | Mode and length of intervention | Physical activity-specific results |
Brazeau 2014 Canada, single arm pre-post |
N = 36 | Diet and physical activity | Group, telephone, website; 13 weeks | No change in accelerometer measures; pedometer measures increased by 733 steps/day (95% CI 85, 1391) |
Brazeau 2018 Canada, single arm pre-post |
N = 118 (59 couples) | Diet and physical activity | Group, website, texting; 13 weeks | Sig. incr. in step counts and moderate-vigorous physical activity in mothers and partners. Partners decreased sitting time sig. and similar trend in mothers. |
Cheung 2007 Australia, single arm pre-post |
N = 25 | Diet, physical activity, breastfeeding, child nutrition | Group, telephone, newsletters; 12 months | Sig. incr. in walking. No sig. changes in vigorous activity or total leisure time. |
Cheung 2011 Australia, RCT |
N = 43 I = 96, C = 101 |
Physical activity | Individual, telephone, postcards; 12 months | No sig. changes in physical activity. |
Ferrara 2011 USA, RCT |
N = 197 I = 1097, C = 1193 |
Diet, physical activity, breastfeeding | Individual, telephone; 12 months | No sig. changes in physical activity. |
Ferrara 2016 USA, RCT |
N = 2280 | Diet and physical activity | Telephone, newsletters, website; 12 months | Vigorous physical activity levels sig. higher in intervention group as compared to control group. No sig. differences in moderate intensity activity. |
Kim 2012 USA, RCT |
N = 49 I = 21, C = 28 |
Physical activity | Website; 13 weeks | No sig. changes in physical activity. |
Liu 2017 China, RCT |
N = 1180 I = 586, C = 594 |
Diet and physical activity | Individual, telephone; 12 months | Sig. incr. in physical activity. |
McIntyre 2012 Australia, RCT |
N = 28 I = 15, C = 13 |
Physical activity | Individual, telephone; 12 weeks | No sig. changes in physical activity. |
McManus 2015 Canada, RCT |
N = 170 I = 89, C = 81 |
Diet and physical activity | Individual, website, group; 12 months | No sig. changes in physical activity. |
Mukerji 2015 Canada, single arm pre-post |
N = 17 | Diet and physical activity | Individual, telephone; 6 months | Sig. incr. in exercise capacity. |
Nicholson 2016 USA, single arm pre-post |
N = 23 | Diet and physical activity | Website; 30 weeks | No sig. changes in physical activity. |
O'Reilly 2016 Australia, RCT |
N = 573 I = 284, C = 289 |
Diet and physical activity | Group, individual, telephone; 12 months | No sig. changes in physical activity. |
Peacock 2015 Australia, RCT |
N = 31 I = 16, C = 15 |
Diet and physical activity | Group, website; 4 weeks | No sig. changes in physical activity. |
Perez-Ferre 2015 Spain, RCT |
N = 260 I = 130, C = 130 |
Diet and physical activity | Group, individual; 6 months | No sig. changes in physical activity. |
Philis-Tsimikas 2012 USA, single arm pre-post | N = 84 | Diet, physical activity and mental health | Group; 8 weeks | Sig. incr. in aerobic capacity, flexibility and strength training. |
Reinhardt 2012 Australia, RCT |
N = 38 I = 18, C = 20 |
Diet and physical activity | Booklet, telephone; 6 months | Sig. incr. in leisure time physical activity, but no changes in total activity levels. |
Smith 2014 Australia, RCT |
N = 59 I = 29, C = 30 |
Diet and physical activity | Individual, telephone, postcards; 6 months | No sig. changes in physical activity. |