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. 2019 May 10;14:40. doi: 10.1186/s13000-019-0818-0

Table 3.

Distribution of patients classified according to the updated Oxford classification or the International Study of Kidney Disease in Children classification

Classification All patientsa Patients reaching endpointsb P value
International Study of Kidney Disease in Children classification
 I 0 0
 II 101 (36.7%) 5 (4.9%)
 IIIa 148 (53.8%) 18 (12.2%)
 IIIb 17 (6.2%) 3 (17.6%)
 IV 8 (2.9%) 3 (37.5%)
 V 1 (0.4%) 1 (100%)
 VI 0 0
 ISKDC-G0 101 (36.7%) 5 (4.9%) <0.001
 ISKDC-G1 165 (60.0%) 21 (12.7%)
 ISKDC-G2 9 (3.3%) 4 (44.4%)
Updated Oxford classification
 M0 234 (85.1%) 25 (10.6%) 0.775
 M1 41 (14.9%) 5 (12.1%)
 E0 193 (70.2%) 17 (8.8%) 0.086
 E1 82 (29.8%) 13 (15.8%)
 S0 126 (45.8%) 11 (8.7%) 0.287
 S1 149 (54.2%) 19 (12.7%)
 T0 267 (97.1%) 28 (10.4%) 0.194
 T1/T2 8 (2.9%) 2 (25.0%)
 C0 99 (36.0%) 4 (4.0%) 0.011c
 C1 141 (51.3%) 19 (13.4%) 0.386d
 C2 35 (12.7%) 7 (20.0%)

Data was expressed as numbers(percentages)

aNumber of patients in the group, and the proportion in all patients

bNumber of patients reached endpoint and the proportion in this group

cC0 compares to C1 + C2, crescent absent vs crescent formation

dC0, C1, C2, comparison made by contingency table